Thursday 7 April 2016

DHI Has The Highest Level of Customer Satisfaction: IMRB Survey

Very recently, DHI was ranked Number 1 in a customer satisfaction survey conducted by IMRB International on the hair transplant services in India. According to the survey, DHI received the high rating of 8.3 for overall client satisfaction, a business facet which acts as a key differentiator for DHI as a renowned brand and as a market leader.

About IMRB
Born out of the conviction that sound customer insight is what leads to good advertising, IMRB is one of the top market research companies in the world. Set up in 1970, IMRB believes in developing a learning culture that fosters innovation. The vision and leadership of IMRB in the Indian Market can be seen in the numerous industry wide measurement and rating systems that have been established by the company.

About DHI

With 60 clinics in 36 countries, DHI Medical Group is the world’s largest chain of hair restoration clinics. Considered as the gold standard in hair restoration, DHI has the strongest research advisory board and world class facilities where you are not just a client, but a patient whose best interest is always of utmost priority in the minds of our medical teams.

What was this Survey all about?
The survey was conducted by IMRB trained tele-callers during the period of May to June 2015. The survey was based on a structured questionnaire and a 10 point rating scale was used to rank the different hair transplant clinics. Customers who had done a hair transplant in the last 1 year were interviewed via telephone from a database of DHI’s and other competitions’ customers. Random sampling was done with the database, and quality checks were performed to ensure the standard of the reports. Back checks were also conducted for about 20% of the reports to ensure interview quality.

The Achievements
DHI scored a high overall score of 8.3, placing it as number 1 in customer satisfaction. Other specifics of the survey include:
Top three reasons for selecting other hair transplant clinics (listed by rank)
  1. Referred by general physician
  2. Reputed hospital / clinic
  3. Reputed doctors in the clinic
Top three reasons for selecting DHI (listed by rank)
  1. Availability of advanced techniques for hair restoration
  2. Recommendation from a friend or relative
  3. Reputed hospital / clinic
Top three clinics for hair transplant according to respondents (listed by rank)
  1. DHI
  2. Berkowits
  3. Advanced Hair Studio
In terms of experience, DHI ranked number 1 in the following:
  1. Infrastructure (cleanliness, hygiene levels)
  2. Qualification of the medical team
  3. Performing the procedure
  4. Doctor’s involvement during the procedure
  5. Professionalism of entire procedure (closely followed by Advanced Hair Studio and Berkowits)
  6. Staff behavior
  7. Use of advanced technology
  8. Quality of the results
  9. Recommendation  for hair transplant after detailed diagnosis
DHI also ranked highest in terms of procedural instructions and other parameters including:
  1. Proper explanation of patient’s responsibility and rights
  2. Pre and post procedure instructions
  3. Number of hair to be implanted
  4. Expected results
  5. After effects of hair transplantation
  6. Pricing parameters

DHI’s main referrals come from our online advertising and marketing efforts (70%) while other clinics receive their bulk of clientele from being referred to by general physicians (91 – 100%).

Key Aspects as Observed Through the Survey

Sources of Information
Major source of awareness about the DHI clinics was through online advertising (70%), while for competition brands the major source is Referrals by general physician (>90%).
Experience at the Clinic
DHI ranked as the top performer, with an average score of 8.76. ‘Professionalism of entire procedure’ sector saw DHI closely followed by the Advanced Hair Studio & Berkowits.
Procedural Instructions and Information provided
DHI stays ahead of the competition in this aspect. Pricing parameters, though still scored higher than the competitors, had a relatively low score of 7.64
Pain Experienced
Relatively lower levels of ‘pain experienced’ by DHI customers.
Pricing Parameters
Scores for DHI are ahead of the competition on pricing parameters.
In the overall satisfaction level, DHI remains ahead of the competition with a score of 8.33 and a score of 8.53 for likelihood of recommending to family and friends.
97% of the DHI customers are men, however, similar trends were observed across all the brands.

Monday 7 March 2016

DHI - Using FUT and FUE Methods to Cure Hair Loss Conditions

The field of aesthetic surgery has experienced a profound advancement in the techniques used in it along with their outcomes, including hair restoration, in the last few years. The plug transplant procedure that once yielded inartistic tell-tale results has now become the most demanding procedure of follicular unit grafting.  
 There are different hair transplantation methods that can be performed to deal with such an issue. The surgical technique, also known as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), eliminates donor strip excision procedure and extends it to beard, eyebrow, chest and other body areas. On the other hand the non-surgical adjuvant therapies include Finasteride, the DHT-blocker and the laser light therapy.   
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

It is an alternative for Strip Grafting Technique, which involves grafts to be obtained from a single donor strip. The FUE technique uses 0.8 mm tiny punches to extract individual donor grafts one by one. The experienced FUE experts require one full day to extract, trim, and then implant 1,400 to 1,800grafts and 2 days for 2,000 to 2,400 grafts, thus making this procedure incredibly time-consuming. This is one its drawback and apart from this, it also causes scarring if the grafts are placed too close to each other. .
Follicular Unit Transplantation 

This method aims to create a natural appearance and mimics the natural growth of hair in terms of pattern and numbers. In this grafting method each hair graft contains a follicular unit with the natural bundling of one to three hairs and at times four hairs that are surrounded by adventitial sheath. These hair grafts are transplanted into the scalp creating a natural hair line. This technique has made other surgical oriented procedures obsolete, including bald scalp reductions, scalp flaps, and tissue expansion surgery, with the exception of being used for scalp renovation for scarring.
Scalp Micro-Pigmentation: In this method little dots are ingrained on the scalp creating a camouflage that the scalp has dense hair follicles.
Scalp Reduction: It’s another method that involves cutting of the balding scalp and articulation of the remaining skin to reduce the bald areas, eventually giving you a natural hair line.
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy: This procedure involves intra-dermal insertion of plasma into the scalp that promotes growth of new hair.
DHI Using Follicular Unit Grafting and FUE
Both of these hair restoration methods are used effectively to treat hair loss problem in both men and women. Any such treatment method can be availed at the renowned or eminent dermatological clinics. Apart from these clinics, there are several other clinics too that deal with only the cases of hair loss or alopecia areata. Among such clinics DHI is the one that provides comprehensive treatment methods for hair loss.

DHI use DHI implanter to graft these hair follicles into the bald areas creating a perfect natural hair line. To perform these multifaceted procedures, it has experienced professionals in its team, who perform this task effectively using their expertise and skills. With them, it aims to provide effective and best results using this hair restoration system and giving hair loss sufferers aid from this problem.
As all these methods are the latest hair loss treatment methods, it requires great expertise in operating instruments and skills in performing hair transplantation and other procedures. Because of the effective results shown by these techniques DHI has its specialized clinic in Chennai, Delhi/NCR and many other parts of India.